+91 7518224915
+91 9335818015
Prakash Complex,
Barabirwa, Alambagh Nahar,
Lucknow, UP (India), 226005

We offer a range of building and pest inspection services

-:Our Services:-

Applied Aspect of Physical,Chemical and Biological Control of various "Pests" are our main Operational Features.

We the,"Global Pest Control"render our Services in the field of Pest Control for major Deterioration of your house hold goods, valuable documents, furniture, cloths, paper, food grains, various food products, leathers, timbers, building etc.


Many different types of chemicals use for every different services (according to pest)----
Basically three types of services

* Anti-Termite Treatment(Pre & Post)

* General Pest Control (House Hold Pest)

* Rodent (Rat,mice & snake) Control services.


1.Termite Treatment-

(a) Pre Construction Anti-termite Treatment (Under Construction) :

Firstly our treatment on foundation level,secondly on DPC level, thirdly on Floor level
and finally on apron level.

(b) Post Construction Anti-termite Treatment (Contracted) ;

Drilling at every one feet on the joint of wall and floor, upto 6 and 8 inches (upto mud level)
then point rate the chemical in the hole and fill the hole with cement.

2.Pest Control (Service & A.M.Cs.)

Chemical spray for house hold pest as termite, ant, cockroaches, lizard, silver fishes, honey bees
wood borrows, bed bugsetc.

3.Rodent Control (Service & A.M.Cs.)

Killing, Fables, Trapping boxes and fumigation tablets.

Our most popular services


The Rodents either in the field or in godowns are destroying the major part of food grain products. Our Services by way of application of Rodenticides to eradicate these harmful Rodents in both field and godown are a milestone in the field of Preservation Technology.


Fogging is a technique used for killing insects that involves using a fine pesticide spray (aerosol) which is directed by a blower. In some cases a hot vapour may be used to carry the spray and keep it airborne for longer.

Weed Control

Weed management decisions vary according to plant life cycles, infestation size, environmental parameters and management objectives.Hand-pulling a perennial weed species such as Canada thistle or leafy spurge is a futile effort.

Plant Protection

Plant protection” may be defined as all measures taken to protect cultivated plants against diseases, pests as well as competing weed and grasses.Chemical plant protection products form part of a modern, sustainably managed agriculture.

Termite Pest Control

In order to identify a subterranean termite infestation, pest control professionals perform inspections and may employ monitoring stations. These are placed within soil with suspected infestations. After highly active areas are located, bait stations replace monitoring stations.

Insects Control

Try pest prevention first. Do safely and correctly use pesticides. Do dispose of leftover pesticides and pesticide containers properly. Don't use outdoor chemicals indoors. Don't assume that twice as much is better. Don't transfer pesticides to other containers.

Pest Control

Pest control refers to the regulation or management of a species defined as a pest, and can be perceived to be detrimental to a person's health, the ecology or the economy. A practitioner of pest control is called an exterminator.

Ant Control

you may be able to tell where to spray or bait. Treating the nest itself is the last resort for Carpenter Ant control. Unless the entire nest is effectively treated, the colony may simply scatter.

Taking pride in services we provides

(+91) 7518224915


Household pest threats


Ticks carry many serious diseases, including Lyme disease, encephalitis and typhus. They can live for over 500 days without a meal.


Subterranean termite homes are usually formed in soil. Drywood termites live within the wood they consume and oftentimes infest walls and furniture.


Found in areas of high humidity, silverfish eat through paper and other items with high starch content.silverfish is also injurious to disease.

-:Our Clients:-